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Fashion and Luxury

Fashion and Luxury
  • Descrizione

Fashion and Luxury

 Codice: MA1325
 A.A.: 2021/2022
 Iscrizioni sempre aperte
 Prezzo Convenzione: 2.000 €
 CFU: 60
 Durata: 1500 ore


Tematica SSD CFU
History of Fashion and Costume 6
The critical factors for launching a brand 6
Fashion timing, cycles and collections 6
Fashion and Luxury Supply 6
The Nearshoring concept and the supply chains dislocation outside the Italian territory 6
The Made in Italy concept in the production chain of Italian brands: the Italian territory 6
Types of partnerships and their legal and economic aspects 8
Supply players 8
Fashion Communications 8

Made in Italy” is a worldwide famous label which describes cultural heritage, timeless elegance and well-known glamour.

In a context where the fashion and luxury industries keep on developing rapidly and are in constant high-demand, the Italian fashion system keeps growing in the main international markets, while still remaining recognisable thanks to its creativity, brand luxury sector and its innovative medium sised enterprises (MSEs).

As the Italian excellence of raw materials and manufacturing, craftmanship, know-how, expertise and creative energy are well recognised within the world of fashion, being familiar with the characteristics of the Italian system represents a value added for those who wish to work in the fashion industry.

In this context, this Postgraduate Master course provides students with a strong background that allows them to understand the fashion industry dynamics with a specific reference on Made in Italy and the role that it plays within the fashion industry. This Postgraduate Master focuses on the development of the fashion sector throughout history, marketing strategies and company branding, supply and production chains and fashion communications.

The course aims at providing young graduates, young professionals and passionate about fashion with technical skills in the fashion and luxury industry, in order to develop a strong sensitiveness and knowledge towards fashion, quality and “Made in Italy” branded products, identify new business opportunities and successfully manage creative projects within international environments.

This Postgraduate Master course mixes technical knowledge, high quality professionals’ experiences and practical case studies, by enabling students to build their own professional network while studying through high-technological didactic tools.

The Master Course will be delivered online in distance mode, through the didactic platform accessible 24/7.

The distance learning system model adopted provides for assisted learning along a predetermined educational path, with access to didactic materials developed specifically and usable online and to a repertoire of interactive didactic individual and group activities, mediated by the computer and guided by tutors / technology and content experts, able to interact with the students and answer their enquiries.

The study of the digital (video lessons of the lecturers with graphic animations) and printed (lecture notes and / or texts) didactic materials usually takes place according to the times and availability of the individual student.

Video lessons for theoretical study also through the provision of bibliographies and sitographies etc. in addition to notes and documents for the acquisition of practical skills.

  • The following access qualifications are required:
    • Bachelor’s Degree qualification (EQF level 6)